A Student Fires A Cannonball Vertically Upwards

A student fires a cannonball vertically upwards, setting in motion a captivating journey through the realm of physics. This enthralling narrative unravels the intricate interplay between initial velocity, acceleration due to gravity, maximum height, time of flight, range, and trajectory, providing a comprehensive exploration of projectile motion.

As the cannonball embarks on its upward ascent, its initial velocity propels it against the relentless pull of gravity. The acceleration due to gravity, a constant force acting downward, gradually diminishes the cannonball’s upward momentum until it reaches its maximum height, the pinnacle of its trajectory.

From this point, gravity takes over, causing the cannonball to descend back to earth, following a parabolic path.

Initial Velocity and Height

Cannonball human pennlive marsh senators

The initial velocity of a projectile is the velocity it has when it is launched. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the initial velocity is the speed of the projectile, and the direction is the angle at which it is launched.

The initial height of a projectile is the height it has when it is launched. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has only magnitude.

Both the initial velocity and the initial height affect the trajectory of a projectile. The initial velocity determines the horizontal range of the projectile, and the initial height determines the maximum height of the projectile.

Calculating Initial Velocity

The initial velocity of a projectile can be calculated using the following formula:

vi= u + gt


  • v iis the initial velocity
  • u is the initial speed
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity
  • t is the time

Effect of Initial Height, A student fires a cannonball vertically upwards

The initial height of a projectile affects its trajectory by determining the maximum height it will reach. The higher the initial height, the higher the maximum height.

Acceleration Due to Gravity

A student fires a cannonball vertically upwards

Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration of an object in free fall. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s 2, and the direction is downward.

Acceleration due to gravity affects the trajectory of a projectile by causing it to accelerate downward. The longer the projectile is in the air, the more time it has to accelerate, and the greater its downward velocity will be.

Calculating Acceleration Due to Gravity

The acceleration due to gravity can be calculated using the following formula:

a = g


  • a is the acceleration due to gravity
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity

Effect of Acceleration Due to Gravity

The acceleration due to gravity affects the trajectory of a projectile by causing it to accelerate downward. The greater the acceleration due to gravity, the more quickly the projectile will accelerate downward.

Essential FAQs: A Student Fires A Cannonball Vertically Upwards

What factors influence the maximum height reached by the cannonball?

The maximum height achieved by the cannonball is primarily determined by its initial velocity. A higher initial velocity results in a greater maximum height.

How does air resistance affect the trajectory of the cannonball?

Air resistance is a force that opposes the motion of the cannonball through the air. It causes the cannonball to decelerate and reduces its maximum height and range.

What is the significance of the time of flight?

The time of flight represents the total duration of the cannonball’s journey, from the moment it is fired until it returns to the ground. It provides insights into the speed and acceleration of the cannonball throughout its trajectory.

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